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 First Vietnam province announces hand-foot-mouth epidemic

Siirry alas 

Viestien lukumäärä : 1951
Join date : 08.09.2010

First Vietnam province announces hand-foot-mouth epidemic Empty
ViestiAihe: First Vietnam province announces hand-foot-mouth epidemic   First Vietnam province announces hand-foot-mouth epidemic I_icon_minitimeMa Marras 14, 2011 12:45 am

Authorities in the central province of Ninh Thuan on Monday declared hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) has reached epidemic proportions in the province.
Ninh Thuan is the first province in Vietnam to declare the epidemic, which has killed 138 people across the country.
According to the provincial Health Department, HFMD claimed three lives among more than 500 infections between January and October, or 24 times higher than the number of HFMD cases in the same period last year.
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First Vietnam province announces hand-foot-mouth epidemic
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» First Vietnam province announces hand-foot-mouth epidemic
» First Vietnam province announces hand-foot-mouth epidemic

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