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  Military police

Siirry alas 

Viestien lukumäärä : 12
Join date : 25.02.2011

 Military police Empty
ViestiAihe: Military police    Military police I_icon_minitimeLa Maalis 05, 2011 1:23 pm

Military police

Military police may refer to:

* a section of the military solely responsible for policing the armed forces (referred to as provosts)
* a section of the military responsible for policing in both the armed forces and in the civilian population (most gendarmeries, such as the French Gendarmerie, the Italian Carabinieri and the Portuguese Republican National Guard also known as GNR)
* a section of the military solely responsible for policing the civilian population (such as the Romanian Gendarmerie)
* the civilian preventative police of a Brazilian state (Policia Militar)
* an Special Military law enforcement Service, like the Russian Military Police

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Military police
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