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 Ba Be Lake – a getaway cannot get any better

Siirry alas 

Viestien lukumäärä : 1951
Join date : 08.09.2010

Ba Be Lake – a getaway cannot get any better Empty
ViestiAihe: Ba Be Lake – a getaway cannot get any better   Ba Be Lake – a getaway cannot get any better I_icon_minitimePe Marras 11, 2011 3:52 pm

It is not often that we go on a back-packing trip with no outside support whatsoever. In fact, we had never really done it, but summer was coming to a close and we wanted a weekend getaway that was perfect as we could get.
After considering several options and collecting several opinions we zeroed in Ba Be Lake. Picturesque landscapes, limestone caves and a diverse ecosystem home to rare animals like the Black Gibbon – sounded just right to our city-weary ears.
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Ba Be Lake – a getaway cannot get any better
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» Ba Be Lake – a getaway cannot get any better

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