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 Vietnam checks baby bath product amid toxic chemical concerns

Siirry alas 

Viestien lukumäärä : 1951
Join date : 08.09.2010

Vietnam checks baby bath product amid toxic chemical concerns Empty
ViestiAihe: Vietnam checks baby bath product amid toxic chemical concerns   Vietnam checks baby bath product amid toxic chemical concerns I_icon_minitimeKe Marras 09, 2011 11:38 pm

Vietnam authorities have ordered tests of Johnson Johnson baby shampoo after a US coalition of environment and health groups warned that the company has not yet removed toxic chemicals from its products despite their demand in 2009.
Nguyen Xuan Tien, deputy head of Cosmetics Department under the Drug Administration of Vietnam, told Thanh Nien that his department will cooperate with related agencies in other countries to closely monitor the safety of Quaternium -15, which was said to release a carcinogen formaldehyde to kill bacteria.
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Vietnam checks baby bath product amid toxic chemical concerns
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» Vietnam checks baby bath product amid toxic chemical concerns
» Vietnam checks baby bath product amid toxic chemical concerns

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